Der Wenzel
We bring the traditional Czech cuisine to the table and serve you delicious dishes just like at Babička.
High-quality materials, national suppliers and ongoing quality controls are a matter of course for us. We have also been a climate-neutral company since 2019.
Our kitchen works in compliance with very high quality and hygiene standards. At the same time, we emphasise gentle preparation that is as preservative-free as possible – so that you can enjoy your food without any worries.
We source most of our meat from German farms.
To ensure the best possible quality, we expect our suppliers to provide the animals with a balanced diet, controlled and natural rearing, compliance with animal welfare standards and professional processing and transport.
Of course, the supply of our ingredients is seasonal – but where we can, we rely on long-term and sustainable cooperation with regional suppliers. This ensures the high, fresh quality of our dishes and guarantees that you can enjoy your good food without any worries.
Allergy menu: You can find the current menu in the restaurant!
Our restaurants are designed so that you can also enjoy your visit with a large family or with very young children.
We offer a special children’s menu for our youngest guests, which not only includes delicious children’s dishes, but also invites them to discover and colour.
In the Wenzel Halle, Leipzig and Warnemünde, the young adventurers can explore the castle of “Little Wenzel”, while in Dresden and Magdeburg special children’s corners invite them to play.
In short: as a child-friendly restaurant, we want both you and your offspring to enjoy your visit with us. If you have any special questions or requests in advance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Unsere Gäste-Angebote
Informationen zu unserer Kundenkarte finden Sie hier.
(Bitte erlauben Sie 3-4 Wochen für die Zustellung!)
Aktuelle Aktionen und Kundenkartenangebote erhalten Sie per Newsletter. Und zwar wirklich nur dann, wenn wir etwas zu sagen haben ;-)
Es liegen zwei verrückte Jahre hinter uns, aber nun ist die Gastronomie zurück. Und der Rückhalt unserer Gäste zeigt: Menschen gehen gern ins Restaurant!
Wenn Du Menschen glücklich machen, aber nicht den ganzen Tag im Bürostuhl hocken willst, dann komm zu uns ins Wenzel-Team!
Wir sind in acht Städten in drei Bundesländern vertreten und freuen uns immer über tolle neue Kolleg:innen.
Es liegen zwei verrückte Jahre hinter uns, aber nun ist die Gastronomie zurück. Und der Rückhalt unserer Gäste zeigt: Menschen gehen gern ins Restaurant!
Wenn Du Menschen glücklich machen, aber nicht den ganzen Tag im Bürostuhl hocken willst, dann komm zu uns ins Wenzel-Team!
Wir sind in acht Städten in drei Bundesländern vertreten und freuen uns immer über tolle neue Kolleg:innen.
Offers for our Guests
You can find information about our customer card here.
(Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery!).
You will receive current promotions and customer card offers by newsletter.And really only when we have something to say ;-)
We’ve had some crazy years, but catering is back. And the support of our guests shows it: People love going to the restaurant!
If you want to make people happy but don’t want to sit in an office chair all day, then come and join the Wenzel team!
We are represented in eight cities in three federal states and are always happy to welcome great new colleagues.
Es liegen zwei verrückte Jahre hinter uns, aber nun ist die Gastronomie zurück. Und der Rückhalt unserer Gäste zeigt: Menschen gehen gern ins Restaurant!
Wenn Du Menschen glücklich machen, aber nicht den ganzen Tag im Bürostuhl hocken willst, dann komm zu uns ins Wenzel-Team!
Wir sind in acht Städten in drei Bundesländern vertreten und freuen uns immer über tolle neue Kolleg:innen.